The Best 10$ I Ever Spent

This post is not for those with light stomachs.

My kids are pukers. They always have been. When they were infants, I would travel with extra clothes for them and for me. There was no telling when they would projectile vomit all over!

My daughter is an excellent puker. She can puke and keep on going, no matter what. She’ll continue playing or sleeping or eating right after she’s done, but not my son…oh, no! Vomiting is his Kryptonite!

He just can’t handle it. He gets all nervous. He sits there crying and dreading the inevitable. He’ll pray and say things like, “Why God?!? Why me?!” He’ll even wish for it to be happening to his sister, to anybody but him. The worst part is that he won’t move. And even though he is turning 11, his toilet accuracy is pretty low. He vomits on my bed, in his bed, on the bathroom floor, but often misses the bowl…mainly because he waits too long and can’t get there on time.

Enter travel vomit bags. They are 10 dollars on Amazon and by far the best 10 dollars that I have ever spent! They have this round plastic rim with a bag that’s about an arm’s length long attached to it. They fit perfectly over your mouth and make vomiting anywhere simple, contained, and efficient. Once used, just tie them up and dispose!

I have them all over, on every floor in my house. They are in the bedrooms and tucked away in my car. I even put them in his backpack when he goes to a sleepover.

When my mother first showed them to me, I wasn’t sure, but after having them, using them, and them saving me from countless clean ups I realize how brilliant they are. It’s not often that I buy something that’s brilliant and efficient, especially for 10 dollars! Thank you Mom and thank you Amazon!

2 responses to “The Best 10$ I Ever Spent”

  1. I was so curious about what this best purchase was–and this post didn’t disappoint! I love the voice you used in the slice. Perhaps my favorite line is, “My daughter is an excellent puker.” –Not a sentence you hear often, so it made me laugh.


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